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   转让FIDO计划送摩托V9 手机 
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注册日期: 2009/11/21
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[这个贴子最后由h2oau在 2009/12/09 04:19pm 第 1 次编辑]

06年9月签的合约,09年9月续的,不能买IPHONE了  20刀一个月  白天100分  晚上无限

送 摩托v9  崭新手机,无划痕  已解锁   国内外通用   但不能输中文

要的联系 403-714-8907  

  发贴时间2009/12/08 07:20pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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单要手机 200刀  


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继续........ LLLLLLLLLL


  发贴时间2009/12/15 06:03am 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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继续........ yyyyyyyyy


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继续........ yyyyyyyyy 888888888

  发贴时间2009/12/17 07:57am 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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  发贴时间2009/12/22 11:28pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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  发贴时间2009/12/24 09:29pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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注册日期: 2012/08/26
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Even with a few glitches in this system people are looking more into it as a replacement for regular phones because of the several advantages of VoIP. It is highly probable that this will totally replace our way of communicating in the near future.Getting away with your coworkers and employees can be a hard thing to do but, with a reservation at a conference center, you can easily find the time to grow together as a team. conference calling setting up So, if you are staying abroad for a long time, then nothing can be better than opting for a longer valid card as that may dent your wallet a bit more initially, yet in the long run, you will be in advantage for cheaper than cheap call rates of international calls from your mobile or home phone.is one of the many companies that offers their service to the public Find A Conference Calling Phone To Suit Your Needs telephone conference call 2. Selling presentations using PowerPoint slide shows and even software demos can easily be done with web conferencing; a new twist on phone conferencing that introduces the computer screen, video, and application sharing using the Internet as the exchange medium.Recreational activities like golf or spa treatments are a great way to entertain attendees during rest and relaxation time and can also be found at many conference centres. These activities can actually make the attendees more productive during work time as it gives them a chance to break away and return refreshed.


  发贴时间2012/09/10 04:31pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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