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总发贴数: 27 篇
注册日期: 2005/05/16
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Microsoft Says Windows 7 Install Workaround Is Legal
Microsoft today confirmed that users can apply a workaround trick to do a clean install of Windows 7 on a blank hard drive as long as they toe the licensing line.
In a blog post earlier this week, Eric Ligman, who works in Microsoft's worldwide partner group, took exception to stories that showed people how to use the less-expensive Windows 7 upgrade editions to install the new operating system on blank drives. Computerworld covered the upgrade install trick -- first reported by noted Windows blogger Paul Thurrott -- last Friday.
more information at
------------------------------------------------------------------ 微软确认用户可以使用升级版进行完全格式化安装(相当与完整版安装)是合法的, 只要机器上有Windos XP 或 Windows Vista License 商标。这样用户就不用购买完整版的Windows 7,只要购买升级版就可以了,因为两个版本的零售价相差大约$100。
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