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   2003 BMW X5 Sport 4.4i SUV, Cr ... 
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 * 贴子主题: 2003 BMW X5 Sport 4.4i SUV, Crossover (With warranty!!!)   保存该页为文件  本贴有问题,发送短消息报告给版主  加入个人收藏&关注本贴  显示可打印的版本  把本贴打包邮递  把本贴加入IE收藏夹  发送本页面给朋友  

信息: 该用户目前不在线
威望: 0
来自: 保密 
总发贴数: 15
注册日期: 2015/03/16
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[这个贴子最后由qTxTp在 2015/03/25 11:51pm 第 1 次编辑]

With 2 years 6 month warranty! Looks and rides like brand new. No accident, Not even a little scratch, comes from BC and have an Alberta motor vehicle record of inspection report and other several car reports.I'm selling it because I'm getting a new car accidentally but do not want to trade in this nice monster. The new michelin latitude tires($1700), which can run 90000 km, had been installed for no more than 3 months, ready for worse weather conditions. Every thing I have done on this car have receipt well kept.
-V8 engine
-New battery
-New tires
-Center Arm Rest
-Air conditioning
-Cruise Control
-Heated Leather seats
-wood trim and ash tray
-Split folding rear seat
-Power passenger and driver seat seats
-ABS brakes
-Two keys, (one is brand new, cost me $240)
-LED fog lights
-AM/FM radio and CD player (Some classic rock CD if you want)
-Steering wheel mounted audio controls
-Sport steering wheel (Notice, not same with regular, because it's cooler)
-Front and rear beverage holders
-Power moonroof
-Heated and adjustable door mirrors
-Rear window wiper and defroster
-Everything in Sport and premium package
-And sooooo much more
-Fully loaded and had oil change, coolant change, transmission fluid change done by professional body shop no more than one week, because I'm going to sell it, right?
You can drive it without problem for more than 100000km, because I have got everything done for you, what you need to do is just regular maintenance (DIY, DO NOT COST). Still not satisfied? No worries, It comes with 2 years 6 month global wanrranty. The wanrranty includes engine, transmission, differential, transfer case, auxiliary differential, water pump, starter, alternator, regulator, towing and interruption, Here comes more, diagnostic, driveline plus(shafts,hanger bearings, axle shafts CV joints, boots, universal joints.), Whole braking system and electrical system. The wanrranty allows you to keep this car runs like new no matter what happens.

For a nice winter trip, every single thing is here, except you, and more surprises waiting. Text 403-991-9310 or email me at zuojf123@gmail.com to view the car.
CASH ONLY PLEASE. It's still for sale if it's still on. I already lowered the price from 13750 because my new car has come, really need a quick response.

  发贴时间2015/03/25 11:40pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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  发贴时间2015/03/25 11:53pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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  发贴时间2015/03/25 11:56pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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new tires

  发贴时间2015/03/25 11:57pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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