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Visitors to Canada Plans  

 Compare Visitors to Canada Plans
Do you know someone travelling or immigrating to Canada? Our unique visitor insurance can help protect visiting friends and family in case of a medical emergency or travel accident. It can also protect Canadians not eligible for government health plan coverage.

Compare the features and benefits of each plan below:

Visitor Plan III Visitor Plan II Visitor Plan I
General Information
Age Eligibility  1 month to 69 years 1 month to 84 years 1 month to 84 years
The person being insured must be in this age range at the time the policy is purchased.  
Maximum Trip Duration (in Days)  365 365 365
The person being insured can purchase coverage for a single trip up to the number of days specified above.  
General Information
Emergency Medical Insurance

Medical and Other Benefits  $150,0001 $50,0001 $25,0001

Emergency Medical insurance pays for expenses related to a covered emergency medical condition that arises while the insured person is outside his or her country of residence. Benefits may include coverage for a hospital stay, transportation by a local ground ambulance, X-rays, prescription drugs and more. Refer to the policy for more details.  

24-Hour Multilingual Emergency Medical Assistance  Yes Yes Yes

If the insured person has a medical emergency during the travel period, one toll-free phone call puts him or her in touch with a multilingual coordinator who can help — 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our multilingual professionals will coordinate on the insured person's behalf with a local doctor or nurse to arrange the care needed.  

Deductible  $0 $50 $50

The deductible is the dollar amount the insured person would be responsible for paying for each claim, before any remaining eligible expenses are reimbursed under this insurance.  

Repatriation of Remains2  Transportation Cost Unlimited Transportation Cost Unlimited Transportation Cost Unlimited

If, during the insured person's trip, he or she dies from a covered medical condition, this insurance will help pay for his or her remains to be transported to his or her departure point. Alternatively, this insurance may also be used to cover the costs to bury the insured person's remains at the location where death occurred, or for the cremation of remains.  

Bedside Companion Travel Expenses  Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

This benefit covers the cost of a bedside companion's return economy air fare on a commercial flight via the most cost-effective route. A bedside companion is defined as a person of choice who is required at the insured person's bedside while he or she is hospitalized during the trip.  

Bedside Companion Subsistence Allowance  $300 $300 $300

This benefit reimburses the insured person's bedside companion up to the benefit amount as stated above for commercial accommodations and meals, essential telephone calls and taxi fares while he or she is required at the insured person's hospital bedside.  

Return to Departure Point  Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

This benefit reimburses the insured person up to the benefit amount as stated above for costs associated with returning to his or her departure point if emergency medical care is medically recommended due to his or her medical condition.  

Insured Person or Travelling Companion Subsistence Allowance  $1,500 $1,500 $1,500

This benefit reimburses the insured person for expenses incurred as a result of a covered risk. Expenses can include commercial accommodations and meals, essential telephone calls, and taxi fares, up to the specified maximum, for the insured person or his or her travelling companion.  

Emergency Dental Treatment (Accidental Blow to Face)  $2000 $2000 $2000

This benefit covers emergency dental expenses up to the benefit amount as stated above incurred during the insured person's trip if he or she needs emergency dental treatment to repair or replace his or her natural or permanently attached artificial teeth because of an accidental blow to the face.  

Emergency Dental Treatment  $300 $300 $300

This benefit covers dental expenses up to the benefit amount as stated above when required as emergency treatment and ordered by or received from a licensed dentist during the insured person's trip, and the complete cost of prescription drugs.  

Emergency Medical Insurance
Travel Accident Insurance (Principal Sums)2

Death  $25,000 $25,000 $25,000

This is the principal sum payable if the insured person has an accident during his or her travel period and has accidental bodily injuries that result in his or her death within 365 days from the date of the accident.  

Double Dismemberment, Loss of Sight in Both Eyes, or Complete and Irrecoverable Loss of Speech or Hearing  $25,000 $25,000 $25,000

This is the principal sum payable if the insured person has an accident during his or her travel period and has accidental bodily injuries that result in his or her double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes, or complete and irrecoverable loss of speech or hearing within 365 days from the date of the accident.  

Single Dismemberment or Loss of Sight in One Eye  $12,500 $12,500 $12,500

This is the principal sum payable if the insured person has an accident during his or her travel period and has accidental bodily injuries that result in his or her single dismemberment or loss of sight in one eye within 365 days from the date of the accident.  

Travel Accident Insurance (Principal Sums)2

This is the aggregate limit of all benefits under the emergency medical portion of this policy.
The insured person is entitled to a maximum of the largest amount specified for one of these three Travel Accident Insurance benefits: 1) Death, 2) Double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes, or complete and irrevocable loss of speech or hearing, or 3) Single dismemberment or loss of sight in one eye.


  发贴时间2008/03/18 06:50pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密
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来自: 卡城皇家保险 
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Visitors to Canada Plans

Do you know someone travelling or immigrating to Canada? Our unique visitor insurance can help protect visiting friends and family in case of a medical emergency or travel accident. It can also protect Canadians not eligible for government health plan coverage.

Compare the features and benefits of each plan below:

Medical and other benefit

Emergency Medical insurance pays for expenses related to a covered emergency medical condition that arises while the insured person is outside his or her country of residence. Benefits may include coverage for a hospital stay, transportation by a local ground ambulance, X-rays, prescription drugs and more. Refer to the policy for more details.

24-hour multilingual emergency medical assistance

If the insured person has a medical emergency during the travel period, one toll-free phone call puts him or her in touch with a multilingual coordinator who can help — 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our multilingual professionals will coordinate on the insured person's behalf with a local doctor or nurse to arrange the care needed.


If, during the insured person's trip, he or she dies from a covered medical condition, this insurance will help pay for his or her remains to be transported to his or her departure point. Alternatively, this insurance may also be used to cover the costs to bury the insured person's remains at the location where death occurred, or for the cremation of remains.

Bedside companion travel expenses

This benefit covers the cost of a bedside companion's return economy air fare on a commercial flight via the most cost-effective route. A bedside companion is defined as a person of choice who is required at the insured person's bedside while he or she is hospitalized during the trip.

Bedside Companion Subsistence Allowance

This benefit reimburses the insured person's bedside companion up to the benefit amount as stated above for commercial accommodations and meals, essential telephone calls and taxi fares while he or she is required at the insured person's hospital bedside.

Emergency return home

This benefit reimburses the insured person up to the benefit amount as stated above for costs associated with returning to his or her departure point if emergency medical care is medically recommended due to his or her medical condition.

Insured Person or Traveling Companion Subsistence Allowance

This benefit reimburses the insured person for expenses incurred as a result of a covered risk. Expenses can include commercial accommodations and meals, essential telephone calls, and taxi fares, up to the specified maximum, for the insured person or his or her traveling companion.

Emergency Dental Treatment (Accidental Blow to Face)

This benefit covers emergency dental expenses up to the benefit amount as stated above incurred during the insured person's trip if he or she needs emergency dental treatment to repair or replace his or her natural or permanently attached artificial teeth because of an accidental blow to the face.

Emergency Dental Treatment

This benefit covers dental expenses up to the benefit amount as stated above when required as emergency treatment and ordered by or received from a licensed dentist during the insured person's trip, and the complete cost of prescription drugs.


This is the principal sum payable if the insured person has an accident during his or her travel period and has accidental bodily injuries that result in his or her death within 365 days from the date of the accident.

Double Dismemberment, Loss of Sight in Both Eyes, or Complete and Irrecoverable Loss of Speech or Hearing
This is the principal sum payable if the insured person has an accident during his or her travel period and has accidental bodily injuries that result in his or her double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes, or complete and irrecoverable loss of speech or hearing within 365 days from the date of the accident.

Single Dismemberment or Loss of Sight in One Eye

This is the principal sum payable if the insured person has an accident during his or her travel period and has accidental bodily injuries that result in his or her single dismemberment or loss of sight in one eye within 365 days from the date of the accident.

1.This is the aggregate limit of all benefits under the emergency medical portion of this policy.

2.The aggregate sum payable is no greater than $5000.

3.The insured person is entitled to a maximum of the largest amount specified for one of these three Travel Accident Insurance benefits: 1) Death, 2) Double dismemberment, loss of sight in both eyes, or complete and irrevocable loss of speech or hearing, or 3) Single dismemberment or loss of sight in one eye.

Deluxe Plan

This plan provides up to $150,000† in emergency medical insurance and up to $25,000 in travel accident protection for visitors to Canada who are 1 month to 69 years of age.

Who is eligible for this insurance?

•Non-Canadian friends or family members coming to visit
•New immigrants awaiting their government health plan coverage
•Visitors travelling on a work permit or student visa
•Canadians not eligible for government health plan coverage

†This is the aggregate limit of all benefits under the emergency medical portion of this policy.

Standard II Plan

This plan provides up to $50,000† in emergency medical insurance for visitors to Canada who are 1 month to 84 years of age.

Who is eligible for this insurance?
•Non-Canadian friends or family members coming to visit
•New immigrants awaiting their government health plan coverage
•Visitors travelling on a work permit or student visa
•Canadians not eligible for government health plan coverage

†This is the aggregate limit of all benefits under the emergency medical portion of this policy.

Standard I Plan

This plan provides up to $25,000† in emergency medical insurance for visitors to Canada who are 1 month to 84 years of age.

Who is eligible for this insurance?
•Non-Canadian friends or family members coming to visit
•New immigrants awaiting their government health plan coverage
•Visitors travelling on a work permit or student visa
•Canadians not eligible for government health plan coverage

†This is the aggregate limit of all benefits under the emergency medical portion of this policy.


  发贴时间2008/03/18 06:53pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密
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失踪 3753 天
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来自: 卡城皇家保险 
总发贴数: 418
注册日期: 2008/03/12
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RBC 旅游保险产品优势:

RBC Insurance is the leading provider of travel insurance in Canada. We also earned the distinction of being the 2006 Travel Agent’s Choice for favorite travel insurance provider in Canada, making the fourth consecutive year we have won this award.

Our travel insurance business providers a wide range of products and services, including trip cancellation, interruption and emergency assistance services, to clients in Canada and the Unite States.

I hope you can enjoy our other life insurance products and services from me in future as well.


The average cost for hospital of one day is $2000~3000 in Canada.

The surgery in hospital one week would be over $15000 in Canada.


If you would buy, please prepare:

1. the exact names of your parents;
2. their date of birth;
3. you id number and type;
4. your phone numbers;
5. credit number and expire date;
6. other information as detailed as possible;




  发贴时间2008/03/18 06:57pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密
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sorry, they are mess coded, I cannot read that, could you please call me? thanks

I tried to en-code but no use

I do not know what those message are talking for right now, I will try to read again....


  发贴时间2009/10/06 08:36pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密
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  发贴时间2009/11/11 01:49pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密
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  发贴时间2009/11/21 07:25pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密
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