威望: 0
来自: 上海
总发贴数: 6 篇
注册日期: 2004/10/21
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#102- 1815 11 Ave SW Sunalta, Calgary, AB 2 Bedrooms Condo (Bi-level) Monthly Rent: $2100, Deposit $2100, 1 Bath, Furnished/Unfurnished, Long Term 1 year lease 2 parking stalls Pets’ negotiable Utilities and Internet not included Starts from March 1, 2024
You are 400 metres (5 minutes walk) from Sunalta LRT station. The nearest grocery store - Midtown Co-op - is 1.1 kilometres (13 minutes walk) from your home. You can cycle to work from your home, if you work in the Downtown Core.
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