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来自: 保密
总发贴数: 2 篇
注册日期: 2008/05/25
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本人有21年銀行工作經驗、8年金融投資工作經驗,對中國大陸的政治經濟有很深研究,熟悉中國大陸的金融經濟政策和法律法規,並在中國大陸擁有豐富的地方政府、金融機構、新聞傳媒人脈關係,能夠爲海內外金融機構、投資機構、投資基金、企業公司投資中國大陸提供有效的諮詢服務,幫助上述機構在中國大陸設立辦事處或分支機搆,尋找投資專案,安排資金進入中國大陸的安全通道,以及幫助上述機構與各地方政府談判,爭取最大優惠。 另外,本人對PE(Private Equity Fund)有深刻認識,熟知中國大陸的Pre-IPO,能夠幫助境外投資機構設立PE,投資中國上市公司和准上市公司。 有興趣的投資者請與我聯繫。 電話:86-755-28748828 手機:+86-13724350082 E_mail:
I have ever worked in a bank for 21 years,and have experience in financial investment field for 8 years .I do have reserch in China political economy,in the same time ,familiar with the mainland financial economy policy and law rules .I establish wide realations with some local goverments,financial institution ,media organizations .Ican offer effective service for these company that want to invest in China like invest company,invest funds ,enterprises ,and inside and outside financial companies .Meanwhile,I can help the enterprises to establish their local office and branch ,explore invest item ,arrange the money to enter the safe passage and help them negotiate with some local goverments for the best benefit.Please contact me if you would like to invest in China.
Sincerely Yours
Tel:86-755-28748828 Cellular phone:+86-13724350082 E_mail:
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