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   Start your own delivery business 
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Can’t find professional job but enjoy self-employed?
Solution: Have your own delivery business!

Alberta is full of opportunities now, especially in the transportation industry. Just open the local newspaper and read the Classifies section. You will notice the huge title of Trucking Job Opportunities.

If you have been considering to start your own business, but concerned about finding customers with limited English skills, becoming a trucking owner operator might be the right choice for you. You don’t even have to have Class 1 driver’s license. Regular Class 5 will do and you don’t have to drive long distance and sleep in motels.

Currently there are job opportunities in Calgary to become trucking owner operator to delivery home appliances for brand name stores such as Sears to consumer homes. Here is what is required to grab the opportunity and start your own business –

1.Previous driving experience – be it delivery job for local stores or manage your own moving van / truck.
2.Have your last 2 year’s tax return showing employment income or your moving business income
3.Have a clean personal credit report
4.Have a reasonable personal net worth
5.Find a suitable 5 ton truck (new or used with good condition) with 26’ box
6.Have a helper to team up with you on delivery route
7.You or your helper – one has to speak basic English for delivery and installation service

How much you will make with this delivery business?

You will make approximately 20 deliveries per day, 5 days a week to consumer’s home in the City of Calgary and being paid for $31/delivery home – in average, the delivery work takes about 10 hours. You will have gross revenue of $150,000 a year and after all expenses, including wage paid to your helper and all trucking related expense, you net out profit of $60,000 to $65,000 per year. You also get the benefit of deducting your personal vehicle / phone / part of rental & meals to reduce your income tax.

If you are interested in the above opportunity, give me a call – I will arrange you to meet the company recruiter and also help you finance your truck. A 30 minutes free phone consultation is available by appointment only. Please email rachelzhang@newventuresolutions.ca to arrange the time.

If you are not comfortable to meet recruiter alone and learn about this important career opportunity, assistance in the recruiting process (including explaining contract terms, join you to the interview), a flat non-refundable fee of $250 (including tax) applies. If the company hires you, you will get $4,000 signing bonus in the first month of service and your fee to us is fully recovered.

If you need us to arrange financing for the truck (new or used), $250 one time financing arrangement fee is only due when we provide you a loan approval. If we cannot find money for you, you don’t need to pay a penny.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please call (403) 560-0808 after 6pm weekdays or anytime weekends to see how we can help you to start your own trucking business.

Positions are limited. Please call within the next 3 days to book appointment.

Rachel Zhang, MBA
New Venture Solutions
Tel: 403-560-0808
Fax: 403-251-0469
Email: rachelzhang@newventuresolutions.ca

  发贴时间2006/10/27 09:05pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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