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   [原创]法律咨询《四》:2008年初 ... 
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 * 贴子主题: [原创]法律咨询《四》:2008年初状告汇丰银行销售服务部和FINESSE家具店   保存该页为文件  本贴有问题,发送短消息报告给版主  加入个人收藏&关注本贴  显示可打印的版本  把本贴打包邮递  把本贴加入IE收藏夹  发送本页面给朋友  
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[这个贴子最后由蓝风筝在 2008/08/05 01:54am 第 1 次编辑]


作者 蓝风筝 版权所有 2008年8月5日


这还要从去年5月份在爱城的FINESSE FURNISHING家具店买家具说起。我们在那里总共买了$6000元的家具,是一个俄罗斯女士销售给我们的,因为她服务态度好,我们就在她的推荐下买了喜欢的家具。她还主动推荐半年后付款的方式,于是我们也按她说的去做了,也就是说,可以年底付款,他们会在年前发帐单。



12月份我们在爱城一直住到快过圣诞节,二十多号才回到卡尔加里,因为没有收到帐单,家具的事情早忘记了。过完年我们又回到爱城,1月4号收到了第一个帐单,上面写着Balance $6035.00, 其中$35是一个手续费,付款的到期时间是2008年1月1日。因为是周末,我们1月7号去FINESSE FURNISHING家具店付款,家具店说要我们到HSBC汇丰银行付款,我们就按他们说的去了银行,银行工作人员打开电脑,里面的数字不是$6035.00,而是$7161.44,银行工作人员以为计算系统出错了,我们也以为出错了,就先去FINESSE FURNISHING家具店问,结果家具店不管,又把我们推到银行,于是我们又去了HSBC汇丰银行的另一个分支,工作人员也没有完全搞明白,就给了我们一个总部电话。我们先把$6035.00付清,剩下的利息没有付。



我和那个经理有15分钟的对话,我问他如果是他自己遇到这种事情他是不是很生气,他避开我的问题,他问我如果没有收到帐单是不是很着急,我坚持他回答我的问题,他不回答,我就告诉他我为什么要着急,我们从来都是等到帐单才付款的,他就嘲笑我,于是我告诉他,按照加拿大法律,即使是签字的合同,但如果AGENT没有向客户解释清楚下签字的,合同仍然不合法,他就无话可说。我和他协商,如果只是象征性交几百元钱,我们就算了,但如果他们不妥协,我们不会让步,我们会起诉他们。最后他说“You are a great woman!”,我就说“You are a great man!”,就这样结束了一场争论,不过后来他的语气还是缓和多了。

我们近水楼台先得月,直接就去了省政府,政府官员说他们用这种办法套住很多人(原话:They trapped lots of people this way.),我们把所有的文件并附上我们的申诉信都给了政府官员,他们经过一段时间审核,确实抓不到他们的把柄,因为我们签了字。政府官员推荐了免费咨询半小时的律师,我们就去做了咨询,经过半各小时的咨询,他们认为我们可以找一个正式的律师才能解决问题,于是我们就找了另外的律师。我们的态度是,宁愿官司费用高几倍,也要争回一口气。如果输了,我们也接受一次教训。







Date: 2008-05-27

Re: Complain Finesse Furnishing/HSBC Retail Services about unfair charge for loan interest

Dear Sir/Madam,

We're hereby writing to complain misconduct of Finesse Furnishing/HSBC Retail Services about unfair billing interest charge on us. We need your professional lawyer’s help on our trouble.

We bought some furniture from the Finesse Furnishing on May 10, 2007 and May 12,2007. As we participated in the “No interest, No payment Promotional Credit Plan”, the Finesse Furnishing did a finance application on our behalf from the HSBC Retail Services. The initial loan amount was $6000, and for the Promotional Credit Plan offer, the store told us, we did not need to pay until the Jan. 1, 2008 without any interest accrued and  HSBC Retail Services would be responsible to mail us the bill before the pay in full due. However, we never received any billing mails from the HSBC Retail Services until early this year (Jan.4, 2008) we got the first billing letter from the HSBC Retail Services indicating we have to payback $6035. We noticed that the letter was sent out on Dec.9, 2007, but for whatever reasons, it reaches us on Jan.4, 2008. January 4 was Friday, we failed to contact with the Finesse Furnishing. Then on the following Monday (Jan.7, 2008) we went to the Finesse Furnishing Store, the store told us we had to direct pay to HSBC, we then went to the HSBC Edmonton branch, the computer there shows us the balance is $7161.44 rather than $6035.00. It really took us aback. The lady showing us the balance suggests we contact the HSBC main office ask what happened. Then we contact the main office, the answer is since we have past the due date for payment, we have to pay interest, and the interest is calculated from the date we purchase the furniture. So although only a few days past over the due date of Jan.1, 2008, we have to pay extra $1126.44.  We paid the $6035.00 balance on Jan.7, 2008. However, we didn’t  pay the $1126.44 as we feel it is unfair charge and we don’t want to pay.

The followings are the unfairness points for this past-due-date penalty interest charge:

1.Because of Xmas mail delay, we didn’t get the billing mail before Jan.1, 2008. We got mail on Jan. 4, 2008and paid the balance on Jan.7, 2008. We think the HSBC Retail Services should’ve sent the billing a little bit earlier and it’s not our responsibility to pay extra $1126.44 penalty interest charge just for a few days mail delay.

2.When the Finesse Furnishing applied for the loan on our behalf, they didn’t mention that should we pay after the due date, what penalty could have applied to us according to the contract. According to the provincial customer protection legislature, they should bear responsibility to explain what the interest penalty interest charges would apply if we didn’t pay the balance on the due date. But they didn’t.

3.According to the Revolving Agreement –CEW5288PS for which we signed when the Finesse Furnishing on our behalf to apply for a Promotional Credit Plans Account, even we didn’t pay the balance on the due date, They shouldn’t charge us 7 month’s interest for only a few days delay. For initial contract, no such term states that they can charge us 28.8 % interest started from the date we purchase the furniture. At most, we only have to pay the $22.50 conversion fee for not paying the amount on due date.

The Term 7of  Agreement –CEW5288PS states:

You (HSBC) may impose service charges on the Account. I will pay, as liquidated damages;(i) $40.00 for each dishonored payment, and (ii)(where permitted by law)$15.00 where payment is not received by the payment due date set out in the statement. For Promotional Credit Plans where no interest accrues and no payments are due for a specific period, if I do not pay the balance of any such Promotional Credit Plan in full by the date the first payment becomes due for such Promotional Credit Plan, I will pay a $22.50 conversion fee.

Attached please find the all the billing mails we received after Jan.4, 2008 from Finesse Furnishing/HSBC Retail Services and the original contract the Finesse Furnishing signed on our behalf with HSBC Retail Services about the $6000.00 loan account.

Should you require any further documents and witnesses etc. , We’d very glad to provide to you.

Greatly appreciate and looking forward to your reply. You may reach me anytime at my cell phone 780-XXX-XXXX.



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