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来自: 保密
总发贴数: 201 篇
注册日期: 2008/03/01
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接下来的比赛是西洋乐器。 共有33名选手参赛。 评委为:
陆衡珠 资深小提琴教师。童年进入上海音乐学院附小、后入附中,八十年代毕业于上海音乐学院小提琴演奏专业。毕业后从业于上海芭蕾舞交响乐团任第一小提琴手。八十年代末移民加拿大,受聘于Saskatoon交响乐团任第一小提琴手,曾获Saskatoon音乐节成人小提琴赛一等奖。在加拿大二十年多主要从事小提琴教学,培养了许多优秀小提琴学员。
Priscilla King Born in China, has her Bachelor of Music degree in piano performance (Oberlin) and Master of Music in piano performance (University of Texas). She gave her first public recital at the age of 12 and has collaborated with numerous artists, including Yo-Yo Ma. Her performances include playing with the American Symphony Orchestra at the renowned Carnegie Hall (New York) as a result of winning a competition. Before immigrating to Calgary in 1980, she was active in Hong Kong as a soloist, accompanist and teacher, teaching at the Hong Kong Music Institute, the Hong Kong Baptist College and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
韩东珺 中乐,西乐评委 简介:2002年毕业于东北师范大学音乐学院:钢琴演奏与教学硕士研究生,师从著名钢琴演奏家石书诚先生。从事钢琴演奏和教学工作十几年。
金奖:高甄Jayyne Kao
学前组: 一等奖:陈思远Daniel Chen 二等奖:冯源Veronica Feng 三等奖:Eric Yin
儿童组: 一等奖:陈思璇 二等奖:施昊锋Johnny Shi;Mary Hou 三等奖:Kawing Lai;李修齐George Li;王翰雄Scott Wang 优秀奖:郭浩杰;江颖芝Jennis Jiang;陈思璇;Michelle Mao;Cindy Xia;刘华卿Hua Qing Liu;马德仪Edward Mah;司徒兆泓Jason Szeto;Calvin Kwan;林乐Jenny Lin
少年组: 一等奖:郭松昂Kevin Guo 二等奖:Michael Deng;陈天雷; 三等奖:石琛Jessica Shi;谢欣言Jack;Susan Huang 优秀奖:李佩瑶Shelly Li;Sarah Zhang;令狄Leo Di Ling;姚思宁Sean Yao;张心雯Emily;Christine Kwan;司徒于匡Hollmen Szeto
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