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Public Notice From the Calgary Committee of the Pan-Canada Parade on Condemning the Recent Riots in Tibet

As part of pan- Canada parade on condemning the recent Riots in Tibet, the Parade Committee – Calgary would announce to the public that an Exhibition about A True Tibet and a Parade will be held on Saturday, Mar. 29, 2008 starting at 1:00pm.

The parade will depart from City Hall/Olympic Plaza located at Macleod Trail and proceeds north on Macleod Trail. The parade will turn left on to 3 Avenue SW. The parade will then turn left on to 1 Street SW followed by another right on to 6 Avenue SW. Following this, the parade will turn left on to 10 Street SW and then turn left on to 8 Avenue SW. The parade will then return to the City Hall where the parade will end.

The purposes of the Exhibition and the Parade are:

1.Mourning over the innocent victims of the violence

2.Condemning the terrorists in Tibet riots

3.Display the truth about Tibet and its history

We invite all media in Alberta region to attend this activity.

For more information on the parade or the Exhibition, please contact the Parade Committee – Calgary office at (403) 828-0686. Peace4China@gmail.com.


  发贴时间2008/03/29 04:14am 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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