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ON-LINE Conversion Factors

Engineering Software For Engineers

Engineering Toolkit

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Welcome to the engineering page
The engineering page provides webbased calculation and information services
for engineers. The online engineering calculations include pressure drop, line sizing,
pump applications, centrifugal pump sizing and heat exchangers including
thermal rating.

The calculations can be used free of charge to ...

 boost your productivity
 improve your design quality
 obtain cost effective solutions
 work wherever you've got access


  发贴时间2005/02/02 00:17am IP: 已设置保密

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piping calculations:


1. min. pipe wall thickness
2. max. pipe span
3. buckling forces jacket pipe
4. flange leakage
5. branch reinforcement
6. Min. Leg Require
7. Cantilever Beam
8. Trunnion Loading Check
9. NEMA SM-23 Check
10. Pipe Table
11.Pipeline Test

  发贴时间2005/02/07 00:25am 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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注册日期: 2010/03/19
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Six years ago I completed my first half marathon only to be pained with stress fractures and not being able to run for 3 months!! After I was healed, I hit the road again only to find the same pains coming back.. I discovered a secret as I took off my shoes and threw them in the trash and began walking home!! NO MORE PAIN!! I discovered Barefoot Running and that I could now be Running Injury Free for life!! I started Running Barefoot and then Found some great Barefoot Running Shoes that I love and review on my site.. Not only that, one of the greatest Barefoot Running Books has just come out.. See why both the Chi Running and Pose Running Method has tons of strong points when you shed your shoes!!

Running Injury Free

Barefoot Running, Barefoot Running Shoes, Running Injury Free, Barefoot Books, Chi Running

steal toe boots
carhartt jeans

  发贴时间2010/03/19 12:29pm 此 IP 为代理服务器IP: 已设置保密

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