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Take charge of your career in the uncertain market- Career Development and Networking Session
Hosted by: Canada China Commercial Association and MGen 1.5 Calgary Chapter
Dear Friends:
I am writing to invite you to our upcoming career seminar regarding job hunting and networking techniques, resume buildings, followed by real life career opportunity presentation and a question/answer session. Below is the detailed information.
Master of Ceremony:
Sean Wang, CA, CFA, Manager, Deloitte
Key Note Speakers:  
Andy Wu, P. Eng. Msc., Director of United Engineering Corp.
Mr. Wu holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University, China and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He has held various leadership positions in the following companies: VECO CANADA LTD., MEG Worley LTD., Colt Engineering LTD., Worley Parsons Canada, and Vista Projects Ltd.  
Mr. Wu will walk you through the hiring process as a senior executive and decision maker on how the job is generated, what qualifications on the resume will pass the 30 second test, the type of candidates standing out in the interview, and who will ultimately get the job.    
Dan Elliott, B. Mgt. Recruitment Coordinator, Investors Group
Mr. Elliott had been an ELT Recruitment Coordinator with the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society and is well versed in the challenges that foreign and the second generation professionals face when entering the Calgary job market. His speech will revolve around his experience placing both new and seasoned immigrants in their professional field. He is going to contrast those points with profiles of successful Investors Group consultants and highlight how their hard work and dedication has helped them achieve a level of success that traditional career paths simply can't provide.
Andy Wu,  P. Eng. Msc., Director of United Engineering Corp.
Dan Elliott,  B. Mgt. Recruitment Coordinator, Investors Group
Siying Li,  Research Analyst, Mawer Investment Management
Max Wang,  Investment Analyst, Ross Smith Asset Management Inc.
Oliver Shao,  Research Associate, Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited

Seminar Agenda: Feb 27, 2016
2:00pm to 2:10pm: Welcome from CCCA and MGen 1.5 Calgary
2:10pm to 2:45pm: Mr. Andy Wu’s presentation
2:45pm to 3:00pm: Networking break and refreshment  
3:00pm to 3:45pm: Challenges and opportunities for foreign and second generation professional in Calgary job market, by Mr. Elliott
3:45pm to 4:20pm: Panel discussion on recruiting tips: get ready for the new recruiting session  
4:20pm to 4:30pm: Closing remarks
Location:  777 8 Ave SW
Parking Instruction: the closest Impark Parking lot is Lot #294 with a rate of only $2

Ticket fee:  $10/person ( if you are not membership of CCCA)
Payment link:
Please RSVP by: Friday Feb 26, 2106
Phone number: 403-253-4840 ext. 2339
E-mail: info@ccca88.ca or by visiting MGen 1.5 Calgary chapter Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/mgen1.5calgary/1316251905067006/?notif_t=group_activity

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