看到合适的post,就该打电话过去问问了,我从一本图书馆借来的书上整理出如下问题: 1) Could you please tell me how long have you owned the car? 2) Did you buy the car new? How many previous owners? 3) Has the car been in any accidents? What repairs were needed? 4) What is the mileage? 5) Generally, has the car been driven around town or on highway? Drive to work or pleasure driving? 6) Was this the only car in your family? Are you the driver of the car? 7) What do you like best about the car? What major repair work has been done on the car? 9) Does this car burn oil or suffer oil leak? 10) Have you ever had any problems with rust? Has the car ever been repainted? 11) How would you describe the car’s condition? 12) Do you smoke inside car? 13) I was interesting in knowing why are you selling the car? 14) Did you follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule? 15) Where did you generally get your service performed? 16) Do you have full service history of the car? 17) Are there any liens on the car? 这些问题为什么要问想来不需要我逐一说明了,问的时候次序可以根据自己的喜欢。(下面是此帖的原创对部分问题的展开说明)
2.1 Hi, I'm calling for the car you posted on ...测试是否车主本人。不要先报出哪一辆车和车型。如果车主反问‘Which one’,证明这厮可能是一专业车贩,很少有人一次同时出售几辆车,敷衍两句了事。
2.2 Did you buy the car new?关键是搞清他是第几手车主,有些车主自己都不清楚自己是第几手,这样的车不看也罢。
2.3 How long have you owned this car?他用了多长时间,时间短则需小心。我问过最夸张的一个车到自己手只有两星期……
2.4 Why are you selling the car? 每个人都会有一个很reasonable的理由,不过还是要问问。去看车的时候再旁敲侧击的印证一下。
2.5 What is the mileage? 一般广告里都有标明,再确认一下也好。 有些里程数非常高的车广告里不写,甚至打电话都问不出来,就是要骗你去看车,这种情况下放弃是最应该的选择。
2.6 Has the car been in any accidents? 他当然会说没有啦,不过如果碰到诚实的车主,就会省些事。
2.7 Is there any rust? rust很讨厌,修起来很贵。 7、8年以上的车其实有一点点锈是正常的,要具体看锈在什么地方,锈到什么程度,不能一棍子打死,否则绝对买不到二手车。
2.8 When is your available time and where do you live? 好了,如果一切听起来还不错,就要确认看车的时间地点了。要注意约见地点——如果车主不是安排与你在家中见面,就比较反常的,一般私人售车的主要交接处是在车主家中。很可能这并不是真正的车主。判断的方法之一是:对于住宅电话,用www.411.ca反查功能找到车主的住址,如果跟你问来的一样,就可以放心了。
3. 看车 约好时间地点,就该去看车啦。
3.1 文档
3.1.1 Service Record 如果车主的servie record很齐全,证明此人比较细心,比较爱护他的车辆,是个好兆头。但这样的情况可遇不可求,有些鬼佬从小玩车,根本就是自己做保养的。爱惜车子的人会妥善保管各项检修记录,从这些记录可以大致了解该车的耗损程度,作为选购与否的依据。通常,车龄五年以上的二手车,有不少零件会磨损,需要汰换,若是完全无资料可查,选购前最好三思而行。
再看看dashboard,有scratch的痕迹就要小心了。 再看看all of the numbers on the odometer,正常情况应该是一条直线的,如果被调过,很有可能会参差不齐。当然,这也不是绝对的。
3.2.5 dashboard 确认灯(headlights, taillights, emergencelights, brake lights, turn signals and parkinglights),雨刷,收音机,CD,冷暖设备...,everything works well。
3.2.6 windows 确认每块玻璃都是完整的,前后档风玻璃换起来可是很贵的。 另外,对于电动窗,多上下走几次,看看有没有卡克不动的情况,电动的东西都有寿命的。
3.2.7 inside 闻闻车里有什么异味,如果有霉味,或者其它让人不舒服的味道,不要要它。
3.3 外观
3.3.1 rust 车前车后找找有没有生锈的地方,特别是wheel wells, rain gutters, windows moldings, door frames(especially around the bottom) and the joints where the roof supports connect with the body。如果车顶有起泡的油漆,那离rust也不远了。
3.5.3 brakes 踩下pedal以后,不要马上开走,踩1分钟,觉得它从头到尾不会下沉了,才是辆不漏刹车油的汽车。 上路,slow down quickly, 如果车身dips forward excessively or pulls to one side,表示brake or suspension有问题啦。