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很多人都关心卡尔加里的华人人口,多数文章都是说卡尔加里有8、9万华人,我觉得还是有根据的。我看到2001年的人口统计如下: The population with Chinese as mother tongue represented 4.5% of Calgary's total population in 2001. Population by ethnic originsPopulation by selected ethnic origins Ethnicity Persons Canadian 257,015 English 252,640 Scottish 189,055 German 156,505 Irish 153,155 French 93,165 Ukrainian 65,040 Chinese 56,580 Dutch (Netherlands) 40,470 Polish 39,255 East Indian 31,580 Norwegian 30,275 Italian 29,120 North American Indian 22,665 Russian 22,115 Swedish 20,800 Welsh 19,560 Filipino 17,455 Hungarian (Magyar) 16,075 American (USA) 16,005 Danish 15,570 Métis 12,060 Vietnamese 11,595 Austrian 9,595 Spanish 8,465 British, not included elsewhere 8,335 Jewish 8,180 Lebanese 7,405 *Source: Statistics Canada, 2001 Census Language by Mother TongueDiversity - Language by Mother Tongue (Calgary Census Metropolitan Area) Language Persons Respondants 930,890 English 737,455 French 14,675 Non-official languages 178,765 Chinese 41,575 Cantonese 14,140 Mandarin 3,230 Hakka 165 Chinese, n.o.s. 24,040 Italian 6,685 German 14,885 Polish 7,630 Spanish 9,265 Portuguese 1,770 Punjabi 13,020 Ukrainian 4,265 Arabic 7,500 Dutch 4,855 Tagalog (Pilipino) 8,995 Greek 1,375 Vietnamese 9,035 Cree 235 Inuktitut (Eskimo) 0 Other non-official languages 47,675 *Source: Statistics Canada, 2001 Census 从2001年的统计可以看出当时华人有近6万,近几年随着卡尔加里的经济增长,大批华人移民来到卡尔加里,我们也在其中,那么目前有8、9万华人是很合理的推断了。
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