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1 莲花,燕子,小风车, 这些Da法di子用心,用手, 用正念,用慈悲, 以纸塑成的造化, 如同一曲曲歌舞 触动着众生的心, 令人叹为观止。
Lotus, swallows and pinwheels these creations of paper, made by the Dafa disciples with their hearts, hands, righteous thoughts and compassion, are as touching and enlightening as the songs and dances performed.
2 飞吧,和平鸽, 带上这橄榄枝, 告诉那等待了千万年的世人: Da法洪传, 我们有救了!
飞吧,和平鸽, 把美好的祝愿, 带给从谎言中觉醒了的世人: 善待Da法, 人类有福了!
We are sending out the doves today, With the olive branches, Let those waiting for many millennia know, Because of Da Fa, We can be saved!
We are sending out the doves today, Bringing the best wishes, To those awaked from the deceits: Supporting Da Fa, Mankind will be blessed!
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