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--- 免费转让手机和一年多的合同+超级划算的老用户的plan (http://www.calgarychinese.ca/bbs/cgi-bin/forums.cgi?forum=7&topic=4845)

-- 作者: christzhang
-- 发布时间: 2010/09/16 01:46am

Lately I want to buy a new iphone, so I have a phone + contract giving away FOR FREE. Do u anyone who may need it?
here is the detail infomation of the plan and LG phone.

Around one year Left contract
Unlimited after 9PM
2 Unlimited Call No.
Free local call on ur birthday
+ Unlimited Incoming Calls (the contract been extended once,so)

LG keybo 手机,翻盖,双屏,有摄像头

Plz pass it to ur friend if u happen to know someone? THX. anyone can contact me to see the phone or chat with me by 4039883399(this is the No. giving away!) THX!!!See you!!!!!!

-- 作者: christzhang
-- 发布时间: 2010/10/06 05:27am


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