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-- 作者: CJZSA
[这个贴子最后由CJZSA在 2011/07/15 11:10pm 第 2 次编辑] On the July Canada day weekend(July 1-3), the Calgary Go club hosted the CGA open Go(weiqi) tournament. This is the national tournament, involving players from across the country, from novices to the highest ranked amateurs. The tournament was held at the Jiang Zhe Shanghai Association. There were 32 participants involved in three groups; C group ranging from 16kyu to 3dan, B group including 3dan to 5dan, and the A group which was the most competitive having 5dan to 7dan players competing. There was also a round of pairs matches, mixed teams(1man, 1 Over the three days, some very intense matches decided who would be champion. Cathy Li, a professional Go teacher from Vancouver was present giving lectures and reviewing games. She offered an excellent learning opportunity for up and coming, as well as the highest ranks players in the tournament. On Sunday, the winners were presented with their trophies, seeing the A group won by Jing Yang and second going to Ryan Li. Winner of B group was Zu Bai, while second place went to Shan Lu. C group was won by Miki Ishikawa with Tony Adria in second place. The pairs was won by Irene Sha and Bill Lin. The tournament was a success, seeing a great growing and learning opportunity for our Go club. Many Thanks to the Jiang Zhe Shanghai Association, and all the volunteers who came out to make this a great event. 比赛现场 有老有小 有男有女 专家以一当十 围棋俱乐部的负责人接受OMNI电视台的采访