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--- [转帖]what is charter school in calgary? (http://www.calgarychinese.ca/bbs/cgi-bin/forums.cgi?forum=18&topic=224)

-- 作者: 蓝风筝
-- 发布时间: 2005/12/15 07:19pm

[color=brown]看到茶馆里讨论有关charter school,信息很不错,所以转到这里供大家参考:[/color]


(这条文章已经被阅读了 578 次) 时间:2005/12/13 07:21pm  来源:aileenchen

请问各位what is charter school in calgary?


gbxyz 发表于: 2005/12/14 11:14am

What is Charter School? 这个概念很复杂,给你一个连接可以看看:
Charter schools create an alternative form of public schooling. The goal of charter schools is to lift restraints from public schools so they can pursue innovative teaching methods that will improve student performance. They are designed to give significant autonomy to individual schools and, in turn, to hold those schools accountable for results. A charter is essentially a contract, negotiated between those people starting the school and the official body authorized to approve the charter. The charter spells out how the school will be run, what will be taught, how success will be measured and what students will achieve. As long as the school meets the terms of its charter, it is free from many of the rules and regulations that apply to other public schools. And unlike other public schools, If the school fails to meet those terms, the charter can be revoked and the school closes

Main charter schools in Calgary:

Almadina Charter School
411 11 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0Y5
(403) 543-5070

Westmount Charter School
2519 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB T3E 4M2
(403) 217-0426

Almadina Charter School
2031 Sable Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2B 1R9
(403) 543-5074

Almadina Charter School
Unverified listing
225 28 ST SE, Calgary, AB T2A 5K4
(403) 543-5070

Calgary Board Of Education
641 17 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2S 0B5
(403) 228-5363

aileenchen 发表于: 2005/12/14 04:12pm

thank you gbxyz,do you think charter school is better than public school?  
gbxyz 发表于: 2005/12/14 07:33pm

从概念上说charter school 教师有创新的教学方法,学生成绩也要好一些,因为是办学人和政府教育机构是种合同关系,学校相对比较独立,自决权比较大。学校如果达不到合同规定的教学要求,学校就会被解散。
另一点要清楚的是charter school 属于公立学校,不是那种天才班什么的,所有学生都有同等的受教育待遇,学生评判主要是根据他们对多课目知识的掌握程度,而不是像其他学校那样学习努力程度不旷课和其他表现也作为成绩的一部分。
舞林高手 发表于: 2005/12/15 07:44am

1,Westmount Charter School
也就是原来的ABC Charter School ,注重天才教育,小孩进去有一定的要求,要考试,录取按成绩的排名来,刚来的移民是进不去的,因为语言过不了关。没有ESL。目前是Charter School中成绩最好的。
是目前规模最大的,以注重基础教育为主,我们星星索学校有两个FFCA的学生,每天有作业,对英语方面的学习远非普通公立学校可以比的,基本功很扎实。进校也要排队,要考试,成绩低于普通水平的也不能进。成绩排在Charter School中第二.

3,SCIENCE Charter School

4,Almadina Charter School

几乎所有的Charter School 我都去过,也和校长谈过.我的孩子几乎每年都参加一些学校的考试,所以知道他们的程度.

Charter School是我们省的骄傲,因为只有我们省是公立的,对于注重孩子基础教育的来说不失为一种好的选择.但并不适合所有的学生.必须穿校服,绝大部分得坐校车,花费比普通学校高.业余时间少.

-- 作者: 茉莉
-- 发布时间: 2006/01/07 03:09am

我和我儿子将在今年七月登陆卡尔加里,儿子今年九月将读七年级,他四年级的书是在美国读的,也有在美国进行的els成绩单,他能进这种charter  school吗?

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