-- 作者: cs-chen
-- 发布时间: 2009/11/30 04:30am
亚省华人友谊协会-圣诞节庆祝会 主题: 1.每人带一道菜或甜点Potluck 2.交换礼物-请带礼物来交换 3.摸奖及抽奖 4.精彩表演,游戏 5.卡拉OK 时间:12月12日,Saturday at 5:00 to 9:00 pm 地点:6145-6 Street SE Calgary(near Blackfoot Inn) GOLDEN 27 Restaurant 费用:会员:free 非会员:$10,小孩免费 报名热线: 403-998-2436 Maggie Chen (国语及英语) 403-291-9383 Vincent Voong(粤语及英语) E-mail:accfa@telus.net 欢迎大家参加!
-- 作者: Undidediown
-- 发布时间: 2010/02/19 03:33am
As far as I know there is only one legitimate place to watch the following movies are, the rest have been scams :/ You can go here though, I searched all over the internet and found these, <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Watch From Mexico With Love</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Watch From Paris With Love</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>watch avatar</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>watch Legion</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Watch Valentines Day</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Watch shutter Island</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>watch Ice Castles</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>House</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>How I Met Your Mother</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Life Unexpected</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Watch The Wolfman</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>watch Percy Janckson and The Olympians: The Lightning thief</a> <a href=http://movieidiot.com/>Watch Dear John</a> Tell me if this helped you.