帖子一览:电脑医生解决各种计算机疑难问题(Computer Doctor solves problems in computer ) (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个) [列出所有回复] |
yuansf |
发表于: 2013/10/28 09:31pm |
[这个贴子最后由yuansf在 2013/11/15 06:07pm 第 2 次编辑]
本人清华大学毕业,可以解决各种计算机疑难问题,比如安装各种软件,排除病毒,恢复硬盘数据等,费用:每个故障$40或者价格面议。我的电话4038020118,欢迎通过email和电话联系我。 I graduated from Tsinghua University, and can solve various problems in computer, such as excluding virus infections, recovering your hard drive and installing softwares and so on, $40 for solving each fault or negotiable, my phone:403 802 0118, Please contact me by email or phone