帖子一览:求助:有朋友知道关于在国内低学历的如何办理劳工来加拿大打工的吗? (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个) [列出所有回复] |
daxiaojie |
发表于: 2010/04/09 02:51pm |
Hi dmslca, I just passed by, try to help my friend 's brother, his age already 35 for the degree and English level, her brother is not a qualified for skilled immigration. could you help me to sent to my email kkwanganvi@yahoo.ca, thank you
dmslca |
发表于: 2010/03/13 09:28pm |
Hi, i have just sent you an email,get back to me if you would like to talk to me,i will try to help you as much as i could.
butterfly123 |
发表于: 2010/03/08 09:00pm |
这是帮朋友发的帖子,请好心的知情朋友帮忙。朋友的亲戚是低学历的年轻男性,英语教差,想来加拿大做劳工,不知道如何申请?需要办哪些手续? 谢谢高人的指点。 xuyan9602@yahoo.com.cn