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主题标题: [转帖] 奉献爱心,帮助不幸家庭 [高级模式]
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    帖子一览:[转帖] 奉献爱心,帮助不幸家庭 (新回复在最前,最多列出 6 个)  [列出所有回复]
    CJZSA 发表于: 2008/04/18 04:02am
    We are calling for donation for Mr. Chen's funeral in our Chinese Community.

    Mr. Chen Qiang, a 46 years old, was found unconscious by his only daughter, Lifei Chen, on Thursday (April 10) morning at their downtown apartment, and was declared to death by the EMS people on site later on. The reason is still under investigation. Mr. Chen's wife, Hongwei Lin, arrived in Calgary on Saturday, April 12th, from Guangzhou.

    Mr. Chen had been in Calgary for 3 years and was not as lucky as most of us to find a professional job. Before the tragedy happened, Mr. Chen was learning ESL at SAIT, with support from government funding. Before he came to Canada, Mr. Chen was a teacher in Guangdong after leaving his job as an electrical engineer from the Hualu Engineering Ltd in Xi'an (Sixth Design Institute of Chemical Industry).

    Mr. Chen was struggled to support his family by all measures. He could not afford any accidental insurance or life insurance due to his economical condition and his health history. His sudden death leaves a huge burden for his wife and his daughter.

    Life needs to move on for the survivors.

    Please give your generosity to help out Mr. Chen's funeral. Any donation will be highly appreciated. A bank account will be set up for this purpose. For the time being cash donations are acceptable.

    Again thank you very much for your consideration, kindness and generosity.



    Chen, Qiang, 46岁大陆移民,于上周四(4月10日)被女儿在他们 dwontown 公寓发现不醒人事,EMS到现场即宣布其死亡。Chen 的妻子Lin, Hongwei 于4月12日从广州赶到卡城。

    Chen 原来是西安 Hualu 工程公司(化工部第六设计院)的电气工程师,后在广东从事教师职业。Chen 三年前移民加拿大来到卡城,去世前依靠政府 funding 在 SAIT 读 ESL。

    Chen 没有找到理想的工作,生活一直比较艰难,也没有能力购买人寿保险。Chen的突然离去给他的独生女Chen, Lifei 和妻子带来很大的生活压力。



    Lifei Chen: TD Canada Trust

    Acct#: 6356677

    Chen的追悼会将于周六早上10点在 Leydens Funeral Home 304 18 Ave SW举行。

    Leydens Funeral Home 304 18 Ave SW

    Located in the SW corner of intersection of 17 Ave and 2nd Street SW, there is a parking lot available.


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